Our Community Network

We are ourselves successfully using our software solution and have already established vibrant communities for a wide range of topics.

Real people. Real experiences.

We know first hand what is important for community building! In our in-house community network, we have been bringing together and connecting people with the same interests, needs and aspirations for several years.

The GemeinsamErleben Network

At GemeinamErleben.com we have united our more than 70 existing communities with more than 800,000 members under a single brand. This includes well-known platforms such as spontacts.com, friendseek.com, freizeitpartnerboerse.com, sportpartnerboerse.com or reise-mit-mir.com. In building each of these communities, we have continuously learned what is important and have used this knowledge to improve our software.

On our platforms, users can now find everything they need to spend their leisure time in an active and varied way: enthusiastic people who share their interests, countless stories of other members' experiences and constantly updated event and leisure tips from our editorial team.

Our solution is unique: we give our users exactly what they are looking for.

Conventional community solutions all have one thing in common: they cannot offer their users enough benefits to bind them in the long term. Eventually all questions will have been answered and problems will have been solved. What then?

Our community platforms deliberately take a different path. They put the members themselves in the spotlight. In our communities they can talk to each other about their interests, make new friends and organize joint activities.

In this way, we can offer our users a unique online experience: they meet people they don't normally meet, find content they don't find elsewhere, and engage in leisure activities together that they wouldn't engaged in alone.
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Our range of services is constantly growing: vibrant communities covering numerous topics and regions.

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As soon as enough members in our network, consisting of platforms such as GemeinamErleben or friendseek, express interest in a certain topic, we will set up a dedicated community for it. This bottom-up approach allows us to develop sustainable communities that are filled with life from the very beginning. In this manner we build up a large user base for a wide range of topics and interests.

As a partner you have the unique opportunity to connect your community to our network. This allows users of our existing platforms not only to see your community, but also to join it with a single click. In this way, you benefit from our constant growth and continually gain new community members.

Use our community software and benefit from our user base and know-how.

With our unique community software you can combine digital customer retention and customer acquisition. You can expand your range of services and offer your customers, fans and followers an "online meeting place" where they can share ideas, network and enjoy life together - all under the auspices of your brand. Use this informal atmosphere to publish useful content and special offers. In this way you can reach your members on an emotional level and create a positive brand experience.

Get to know our advertising opportunities and affiliate program.

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Please note: User support requests can only be answered by e-mail to [email protected].
Zieglergasse 38/9
1070 Vienna / AUSTRIA
T +43 1 9573039